

Firstly, check out the endorsements page - click on the left button

Update March 2006.

Following trade endorsements at the Bristol show for the second successive year, we are now finally getting the green light from the biggest publishers to arrange reviews THIS MONTH. We cannot reveal which they are, but we are confident that by the end of the Spring, you will see internet and magazine reviews from the biggest publishers. Thank you for finally doing this, it will add weight to the mushrooming interest and demand.It is, we hope you appreciate for a low volume manufacturer to get reviews at all given the criteria the reviewers normally need(mass production and a chain of dealers nationwide), but since the interest on our product is so great, and the demonstrations so awesome, they have been happy, now, to do it.

stop press 28th Feb 2006. Bristol show 2006

we have loads of written endorsements/comments from dealers, audiophiles and even competitors. this needs presenting in some organised way as there is so much, so watch this page in a week or two. we had the top designers and reviewers IN THE WORLD come and listen, and they said we had something really special, and the claims had to be taken seriously - thank you so much for coming and listening and at last we have got serious industry credibility and endorsement. Also we have been offered a review from Europe's top reviewer, and others. Loan pairs are being arranged this month, so hopefully we will have on or two magazine reviews out this year / Spring maybe, and internet reviews soon after. . Don't wait though, come and listen for yourself at our showroom, bring your own CDs and equipment. Ring 01202 487464 for details.

Last year.....

We have had rave reviews as a result of our Launch Feb 2005 at the Bristol show, mostly from trade and international/internet magazines who attended.

Larger mainstream magazines like What hifi, and hi fi choice carried major advertising for us at the show, and included us in their show guides, but have so far declined to do a proper review of our loudspeaker as they required (in 2005) a list of at least 15 dealerships nationwide, which we do not yet have.Before the show, hifi choice agreed to do a review, with out 15 dealerships, but afterwards changed their minds, chief reviewer Paul Messenger has been 'very impressed' at the show, most of all that the room was so packed he couldn't get a seat during his visit, but Paul has said he doesn't take much notice of sound at show, and arranged ta personal demo at his home which has now been done January 2006(most impressed). Winter 2005/6 we now extend warranty to 30 money back gaurantee(subject to conditions), which is now acceptable for the magazine reviewers (since increasingly many new products dont suit dealership portfolio/margins anymore, and are sold direct this way to keep the prices affordable e.g. BOSE)

We hope hifi + or hifi choice will publish a full review, which Paul Messenger is happy to do, asap. If the other magazines beat him to it after hearing it at the 2006 show, all the better. All we know is that the reviews are getting into larger and larger magazines and websites.


As we are a small company, we are happy to produce the product at an unbeatable price, but that does however mean, that we are unable to spend thousands a month on adverts and stock for dealers on the cheap, at the consumer's expense. Given the work and materials required for each loudspeaker, we would have to introduce many shareholders/investors to make this expenditure, and obviously the price would have to at least triplle. If you want a bargain, you wont get it from a saturation-marketed brand with all it's overheads and lazy shareholders to pay.

We hope you understand that unless you are a big company, you cannot get reviewed by the high street press until you have been around a bit longer and work up some reputation. Reviews are in hand 2006, as we have passed reviewing and P.R. to an excellent professional firm.

The public had the last word, and the whole show was talking about just one newcomer!.

If you want to know what people said at the #Bristol Show, there a re loads of handwritten praise on the Bristol Show page


Also check out my own review, which goes into explicit detail on the listening pages

and resolution listening page

Issue 23, May 2005, Page 26, good review

Issue 21, March 2005, Page 22, Good  review


UK No2 high end mag by distributionhi>>fi WORLD March 2005 page 24, full page advert

Massive interest and orders



UK No3 high end mag distributionHI-FICHOICE APRIL 2005 ISSUE 265, page 100 full page advert

facing buyers guide page, simplified text, distributed in the USA etc



UK No1 hifi magazine by distributionWHAT HI*FI? SOUND AND VISION MARCH 2005, page173 (buyers guide high end loudspeakers, 1/4 page advert


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